About Kawan81
About Kawan81
List of Members
Buka Puasa di KGC
UB40 Reunion Dinner
Buka Puasa Darby Park
Feb 13 , 2005 Gathering
Business Info
Members' sites
~~ Kawan 81~~

"Kawan81" is an e-grouping created as a vitual place of convergence for former students of MRSM Seremban who enrolled into the Maktab to start their secondary in 1981 and those who continued their form four schooling in 1984.

The idea to bring them together through the net came from Mus who initiated an e-mail list way back in 1998. (Agaknya, tarikhnya tak berapa tepat)

The initiative was later followed up by Booten who created Kawan81 in 1999. (Sekali lagi, tarikhnya may be tak berapa tepat)

In the initial stage, Kawan81 accepted "balak" only. Only in late 2001 that the subscription was expanded to include females.

School Anthem

Wahai putra putri bangsaku
Ayuh lekas menuju
Mengikut gerak langkah maju
Bersatu mencari ilmu

Di zaman sains dan teknologi
Negara perlukan jasamu
Janganlah rasa malas lagi
Bersatu memegang teraju

Ingatlah perkataan M A R A
Tuntut ilmu jangan jemu
Ikrar taat setia pada guru
Berdisiplin selalu

Hari ini hari mulanya
Hari esok berjaya
Lengkapkan segala yang ada
Kepunyaan kita semua.

Lyric a courtesy of Eda Harun..